Why throw out your older, well-made quality furniture that you paid good money for? While new furniture prices can be attractive, for the most part they really are of inferior quality, craftsmanship and durability.

Older, quality furniture consists of hard wood frames, coil springs, horse hair stuffing, quality workmanship. This is what lasts. Don’t trash your treasures.

New, depot and big-box store bought items are generally made with plywood, low density foam, strapping, and use cheap, inexperienced labour resulting in low-quality workmanship. Just think of assembly lines that go for bonuses and speed instead of QUALITY CRAFTSMANSHIP.

Why throw out your dining room table and chairs when you can get the seats recovered for less than what it would cost to buy a whole new set? And you would get a brand new look as well.


Old -> New


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nice couch
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